
Quarantine in the House of Allah
Disclaimer: Many beneficial articles and online content have been written and recorded for us to learn from. Hence, the intention of this article is not to be repetitive, as MashaAllah many scholars and medical professionals have given their valuable advice regarding the issue at large. We should listen to and take heed of the precautions given by the experts of their respective fields. However, the intention of this article is to shine some light on a conversation that I feel is missing within our social media platforms and communities.
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
Within our deen, we can find the solution to any problem, at any given moment, irrespective of the era, demographics, or any other social determinant of health. The beauty of Islam is that it is timeless and universal. With that in perspective, the mindset of a believer when facing any situation or problem is three-fold:
What is the order of Allah ﷻ in this situation and time for me?
What was the reaction of our beloved Prophet ﷺ when he faced a similar situation?
What was the method used by the Sahaba and the pious predecessors when faced with a similar situation?
Undoubtedly, anyone who goes through this well-formulated thought process will find guidance and clarity in all matters of life.
In regards to the recent outbreak of COVID-19, federal and local authorities, health officials, and scholars have been giving many guidelines on how to protect oneself from getting in contact with the virus. One of the most effective methods is self-quarantine and social distancing. It is for this very reason that Masajid have not only closed for Jummah, but many have also closed for the five-time Salah indefinitely. As the blessed month of Ramadan approaches quickly, it is quite possible that the Taraweeh prayers will not take place in the Masjid.
It is important to note that this is not the first time Muslims (referred herein as the Ummah) have been tested with a pandemic. Hence, we don’t necessarily have to “reinvent the wheel” as we search for solutions to this problem. What was the response of our beloved Prophet ﷺ and the pious predecessors? What was their reaction to such epidemics or pandemics? What A’amal (Deeds) did they perform that brought the unseen help of Allah ﷻ? It is only within these answers that we can find the true solutions to the problems that the world is facing today, or perhaps will ever face in the future.
Taking a look at history, we see that the solution to the problems of the Ummah is not and will never be in abandoning the houses of Allah ﷻ, rather it is in populating them through the A’maal (Deeds) of the Masjid. During the outbreak of the various diseases in Madinah, the first effort that was made was the establishment of a Masjid. Shortly thereafter, Allahﷻ removed the widespread diseases from the atmosphere of Madinah Munawara and transformed it into the peaceful and serene city that we all desire to visit today. Whenever a calamity has faced the Ummah, the sanctuary and place for gathering and begging Allah ﷻ has always been the place most beloved to Him: His House. For example, in the book شفاء القلب المحزون في بيان ما يتعلق بالطاعون , Muhammad bin Abdul Rahman Al-Qurashi metionons how the Companions of the Prophet ﷺ responded to the plague of Amwas:

On account of the collective effort of the Ummah, the unseen help of Allah ﷻ descended.
Additionally, there are many Ahaadith that point towards the same theme. One example that comes to mind is the beautiful Hadith narrated by Salam al-Farisi

Additionally, while quoting the now ever so famous Hadith “ألا صلّوا في رحالكم” (Lo, pray in your homes) we tend to forget that there was always a group among the Companions of the Prophet ﷺ known as the “People of Suffah” that were performing Salah in the Masjid, even when announcements like these were made Yes, the companions that were in their homes due to the weather and other external factors were told to pray in their homes. Yet, the masjid was not “abandoned” from Azaan, Iqamah, Dhikr, and Dua. In some narrations, there were always at least 20 companions in the Suffah at all times that would carry on the A’amaal of the masjid and fulfill the rights of the house of Allah ﷻ on behalf of the entire community.
Instead of quarantining ourselves in our own homes, why not quarantine ourselves in the house of Allah ﷻ? Keeping all the guidelines of the WHO and CDC in mind, why can’t a select few members of each community (3-10) do I'tikaaf (Quarantine) in their local Masaajid and establish the five-time Salah, Jummah prayers, Taraweeh, and fulfill this responsibility on behalf of the larger community?
Let’s get creative, but stay within the parameters of precaution. Imagine the happiness and joy of Allah ﷻ seeing His servants struggling and strategizing different methods to populate His home. Allahu Akbar!