What is the
miftaah talent?
Every parent prays the best for their child both in this life and the next. Indeed, the best thing that parents can offer to their children is to teach them the Book of Allah SWT. In 2020, Miftaah launched a special online program that would allow children to “discover their voice”. This course is specially designed towards kids, as it provides an interactive and exciting atmosphere for learning the Quran! This program will teach children how to recite the Quran with perfect pronunciation of the letters, in a style that fits their voice, and with the confidence to recite at gatherings and events.
2025 Summer Semester
Building upon what is learnt in Introduction to Arabic Grammar, this class aims to reinforce many of the concepts learned in Introduction to Arabic Grammar, increase students’ vocabulary, and introduce them to new grammatical forms. The class focuses on providing students with a firm grasp of phraseology that is common to both spoken and written speech, including, but not limited to, a thorough review of Arabic possessive, descriptive, vocative, and indicative phrases. The class also covers how gender is used in Arabic, the full range of Arabic subjective, objective, and possessive pronouns, and the Arabic broken plural. As with Introduction to Arabic grammar, preparation for class and homework are essential so that students may devote in-class time to communicating in the language rather than talking “about” the language. Upon completion, students will be able to formulate basic sentences and speak Arabic on a beginner’s level.
Course Length: 2 Semesters
Text Used: First Steps to understanding Arabic
This course provides students with a necessary base understanding of how Arabic root letters are conjugated to create different words. By the end of the course, students will know how to conjugate verbs in various tenses, determine base letters from non-base letters, and identify verbal patterns that convey information about the number, gender, and voice of the subject of a sentence. Students will also be able to identify the usage of verbs in the Qur'an.
Course Length: 2 Semesters
Text Used:
This course consists of a systematic study of Arabic syntax and parallels the material learnt in Beginner Arabic Morphology I. The comprehensive text used in this course covers the various classifications of different types of sentences and the different components of a sentence’s anatomy, provides a basic but detailed understanding of the Arabic case system, and discusses how Arabic nouns respond to prepositions and verbs in accordance with the role the noun plays in the sentence.
Course Length: 2 Semesters
Text Used: Hidayat ul Nahw, Duroos ul Lughat (Shaykh Hashim al Qalam), Arabic Tutor 2
This course aims at giving students a chance to put their Arabic comprehension skills used in their first-year grammar and conversation class to use. It also develops those skills. The class uses Sheikh Abu Hassan Ali Nadwi’s classic didactic text Qasas al-Nabiyin (Stories of the Prophets) to provide students with a manageably challenging reading experience. The fun and engaging text of Qasas al-Nabiyin gradually introduces more complicated and varied grammar and vocabulary as the text goes on. Therefore, each qissah (story) becomes like a baby step towards higher level Arabic comprehension for the student. This class gives students the skill and confidence to begin digesting some of the Islamic intellectual traditions’ most difficult and important works.
Course Length: 2 Semesters
Text Used: Tafsir al Jalalyn
Students will study a compilation of verses from both the Quran. Various ayahs will be analyzed covering areas such as grammar, syntax, definitions, and moral conduct, encouraging the student to improve their knowledge of the Arabic language.
Course Length: 2 Semesters
Text Used: Tafsir al Jalalyn, Safwtul al Tafseer
This class is an introduction to the comprehension of primary religious sources in their original language and forms the basis of one’s ability to interpret, analyze, and apply Islam’s holy texts. Using the concise and to the point sayings of God’s Messenger (pbuh) collected in the classical text, students will begin to utilize concepts learned in their morphology and syntax classes to understand the Prophet’s (pbuh) words. A discussion of the grammar and vocabulary included in each hadeeth will be accompanied by a lesson on the hadeeth’s meaning and a discussion of its application in our place and time.
Course Length: 2 Semesters
Text Used: 40 Nawawi, Riyadus Saliheen HC
This Tazkiyah course will read and reflect over texts by Imam Ghazali, Imam Zarnuji, and other select texts. The objective of these readings is to train the student of knowledge by helping them learn practical tools to purify their hearts and build a stronger relationship with Allah SWT.
Course Length: 2 Semesters
Text Used: Purification of the Heart, Selection’s from Ihyaa, Ayuhal Wald Ghazali
Following a structured course plan, the Beginners level will become the starting point for kids in the Talent Program. Incoming students who are not able to put words together or recite are best suited for this level. Students in this level will start their journey by reviewing the Arabic Alphabet and Surahs from the 30th Juz. By the end of the level, your child will be able to read the Arabic Alphabet and small Surahs with 30% fluency.
The following Surahs of the Quran will be reviewed:
Surah Al-Fatiha
Surah Al-Naas
Surah Al-Falaq
Surah Ikhlaas
Surah Al-Masad
Surah An-Nasr
The following rules of Forms will be taught:
Letters in Various Forms
Joining Letter Forms
3 and 5 Letter Words
3 Arabic Vowels
Joined Letters with Vowels
Isti'aathah and Basmalah
The following Lessons will be taught:
Arabic Alphabet
Vowels and Consonants
Rules of Shaddah
The Intermediate level is suited for students that are comfortable with reciting on their own and have memorized the last 10 Surahs from Juz Amma. Miftaah Talent will focus in this level on building and strengthening the pronunciation of letters and implementing proper Tajweed rules. Select Hadiths and duals will be reviewed to make a well-balanced student. At the end completion of this level, students will be comfortable at 60%fluency and articulating Tajweed in their recitation.
The following Surahs of the Quran will be reviewed:
Surah Al-Qari’ah/Quraysh
Surah Duha/Ma’un and Asr
Surah Aadiyaat/Humazah
Surah Zalzalah/Takathur
Surah Bayyinah/Duha
Surah Layl/Zalzalah
Surah Shams/Aadiyat
Surah Tariq/Qari’ah
Surah Alaa/Bayyinah
Surah Balad/Lay
lAyat ul Kursi/Shams
Surah Naba/Tariq
The following Hadiths will be explored:
Learning Quran
Good Character
Mercy for Others
The following duas will be taught and memorized:
Sleeping/Waking Up
Entering/Leaving the Home
Entering/Leaving the Masjid
Before/After Eating
Drinking Water
Drinking Milk
Wearing Clothes
Looking into the Mirror
When Traveling
Entering a Shopping Center
Durood Ibrahimiyyah
As the students progress in the program, students will continue to gain the necessary skills to beautify their voice and recitation of the Quran. At this level, students that enroll have a strong foundation in Tajweed but have a desire to improve their voice and performance. Stories of select companions are reviewed to provide scholarly role models for the kids. At the completion of this level and program, students will be able to recite with 100%fluency.
The following Surahs of the Quran will be reviewed:
Surah Shams
Surah Balad
Surah A'laa
Surah Tariq
Surah Burooj
Surah Naba
Surah Mulk
Surah Rahman
Surah Yaseen
Surah Mu'minun
Surah Noor
Surah Baqarah
The following stories will be explored:
Abu Bakr al-Siddiq (RA)
Umar bin Khattab (RA)
Uthman ibn Affan (RA)
Ali ibn Abi Ṭalib (RA)
Zubair ibn AL-Awwam (RA)
Talha ibn Ubaidullah (RA)
Abdul Rahman bin Auf (RA)
Abu Obaidah ibn Jarrah (RA)
Sa'ad ibn Abi Waqqas (RA)
Saeed ibn Zaid (RA)F
atimah ibn Muhammad (RA)
Aisha bin Abu Bakr (RA)
Program Schedule
May 20th, 2025
May 24th, 2025
June 2nd - June 8th, 2025
August 3rd, 2025
Program information
8 - 10 Students
August 3rd, 2025
Miftaah Talent
Please register each child individually.
Learn more
Not ready to enroll but want to learn more?
Download the program catalog to review program details.
The program is open to boys and girls from 5 - 12 years old.
The program provides three distinct levels for Beginners, Intermediate, and Advanced. Each student is placed into a corresponding group where they interact with other kids at their level and pace.
Students will cover a select number of Ayahs, Hadiths, Duas, Stories of Companions, and Fiqh Rulings as they advance in the program.
The exact time for your child will be emailed the weekend before classes start. Classes range from 10:00 - 2:00 PM EST in one hour time-slots.
Classes are held every Saturday and Sunday at your designated time slot.