Spend Your Ramadan
with Miftaah

Ramadan I'tikaf
Brothers Only

Embark on a spiritual journey this Ramadan as you join Mufti Abdul Rahman Waheed for an enriching experience of I'tikaf for the last ten nights of Ramadan. Starting on March 31st, this sacred practice offers a unique opportunity for introspection, devotion, and connection with Allah SWT. Amidst the serene atmosphere and away from worldly distractions, you'll have the chance to deepen your spiritual connection, engage in intensive prayer, and reflect on the teachings of Islam.

During the blessed month of Ramadan, as you engage in acts of worship, recitation of the Qur'an, and reflection on the profound teachings of Islam, Mufti Abdul Rahman Waheed will be there to support you every step of the way. His gentle demeanor, profound knowledge, and unwavering commitment to the faith will inspire and uplift you as you strive towards spiritual growth and enlightenment.

Join us for this transformative experience of I'tikaf, where spirituality meets community, and where hearts are drawn closer to Allah SWT.

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Ramdan Immersion

We are excited to announce the 2024 Ramadan Immersion Program! This year, we are honored to host our returning guests Shaykh Daood Butt, Shaykh Navaid Aziz, and Shaykh Hamzah Imtiaz along with our Miftaah scholars to bring you courses on topics such as the art of Prophetic wisdom, an analysis of Surahs from the Quran and so much more. We pray that these courses not only aid in our growth of knowledge during the holy month of Ramadan, but leave a lasting impression on our Imaan.

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Duas of the Devout

The duas made by the prophets are more than just words. They are heartfelt conversations with Allah, exemplifying complete trust, humility, and faith in His Divine Will. Their duas teach us not just how to ask from Allah, but how to communicate with Him, to express our fears, our hopes, and our most sincere gratitude.

Join us for our upcoming weekly halaqah, Duas of the Devout, with esteemed scholar, Shaykh Tariq Musleh, as we draw inspiration from the supplications of the pious.

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